Some Key Data Relating to the Financial Health of Rural Public Hospital Districts in Washington State
This site is operated by Eric Walker, an elected Commissioner on the Board of Commissioners of East Adams Rural Healthcare (which is, formally, Adams County Public Hospital District No. 2), a small, rural, publicly owned and operated non-profit healthcare facility in eastern Washington State.
Disclaimer: This site is my personal project, and should not be taken to represent views, positions, or opinions of East Adams Rural Healthcare or any of its employees or other Board Commissioners. The references to EARH are for identification purposes only.
The site’s purpose is to make available in one convenient online location various documents and links of what I consider crucial information about the state of rural healthcare in Washington, which I—like many, many others in rural healthcare—consider to be in a dangerously precarious financial situation.
(You can email me by clicking the link in this sentence.)
“A Community Leader’s Guide to Hospital Finance” - an invaluable explanation of the sometimes Byzantine principles.
“AWPHD Legal Manual” - a basic source of information about legal requirements affecting Washington State’s Public Hospital Districts.
“Public Hospital District Commissioner Guide” - an informative guide from the AWPHD.
Saving Rural Healthcare Access: a draft WRHAP position paper from November 2018.
Identifying Crucial Rural Healthcare Facilities: the hard-data technical supplement to the paper shown above—important reading on its own.
“20 Questions Every Washington Hospital Board Needs to be Able to Answer” - a useful document from WSHA.
“Financial Indicators for Critical Access Hospitals” - which ones to watch most closely.
“General Compliance Program Guidance” from the Office of the Inspector General (November 2023) - “information about relevant Federal laws, compliance program infrastructure, OIG resources, and other information useful to understanding health-care compliance.”
MRSC (the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington) - an invaluable resource for both general information and answers to poarticular questions, especially legal ones (advice only available to Commissioners and employees of EARH).
AWPHD (the Association of Washington Public Hospital Districts) - tons of resources, documents, and useful information.
WSHA (the Washington State Hospital Association) - yet more resources, documents, and useful information.
The Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform: a portal to a number of closely relevant and highly informative papers on APMs and hospital payment.
Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) - portal page with links to numerous importanr information sources about the OPMA.
Community Hospital Year End Reports - The nominally “required” annual financial reports from Washington State community hospitals (“required” is in quotation marks because there is no penalty for not filing such reports.).
To email us about this site, just click the link in this sentence.
All original content © 2025, Eric Walker
(save where expressly stated otherwise).
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This page was last modified on Monday, 28 October 2024, at 10:54 pm Pacific Time.